A.Studios Early days
✓Basic Configuration of inventory
-Advanced Configuration of inventory (Descriptions, finish adding the rest of inventory)
✓Designing and re-designing the user experience and overall functionality of the website (indefinitely)
✓Experimentation with new formats to add my art to
-Building an audience and customer base
-Working out the kinks
Scaling & Leverage
✓Reinvest revenue into improving the business
-Siphon some of the revenue into passive/ hands off forms of income: ATMs, Vending Machines
-Siphon extra income from those back into this business to grow it to the point of meeting and exceeding my current expenses
-Leave regular job to do this full-time
-Addition of Courses and Classes
-Improve shipping times
-Establish credibility (Testimonials, Reviews, Customer Protection, Overall Customer Experience from start to finish.)
The Fun Part
-Along the way, use a portion of the revenue to fund actionable change
(wildlife flower planting, planting tree’s, community building)
-Save profits to put into starting a Hemp & Bamboo company. (Make paper, fabric, rope, etc.)
-Figure out how to make all-around-print shirts with hemp fabric and non toxic dyes
-Use that fabric for all A.Studios apparel
-Figure out how to get merch in stores
-Brick and Mortar A.Studios shop/ Workspace?
-Might mess around and make some movies & short films
Medium Term
-Invest in commercial and residential properties, overhaul them
-Build new eco-conscious based homes,
-Build indoor vertical farms and connect them to local stores and restaurants
-Contribute to programs to help reduce homelessness
-Contribute to food availability programs
-Community gardens?
-Use AR/VR technology to innovate more thoroughly and effectively
Longish term
-Redesign outdoor spaces, reducing car dependence and making more third spaces for people to exist freely
-Get involved in the lawmaking process to hardwire in some changes like decriminalizing plant medicines, reining in the ropes on the upper end of the capital spectrum back towards the betterment of our species, and overall promoting the wellness of our whole everything. (People, ecosystems, biodiveristy, living in touch with the natural world, etc.)
-Create comprehensive wellness centers designed to enable the optimal state of being for as many people as possible
-House and feed as many people as possible
-Reignite a sense of community and common ground
Long Term
-Completely revolutionize the experience of being alive on this planet.
-Dismantle oppressive systems
-Empower individuals to become their best selves
-Automate things like energy production and agriculture to free up peoples’ time to have more leisure, or creative pursuits, idk just live a life
-Help developing countries get access to the internet, food, water, and housing
-Develop a more useful internet that’s less addictive and more about connecting and collaborating, and improving life
-Restore eco-systems
-Collect and process trash/ pollution
-Use that one mushroom to break down plastics into something more biologically compatible
-Idk man I feel like after we fix society we’d probably be able to go back to just vibing probably, or pursue higher education, both